Hello, World

hex4 avatar


game + web dev, pixel artist, open source enthusiast

also trying to make the internet fun again.

Hey! I'm hex4. I love making stuff - pixel art, websites, games, dangerous circuits, etc. Being able to code has always felt magical. You could type in some words, some numbers, and whatever [:-3] is, and you get out, well most of the time it's an error. But sometimes it works, and you get a beautiful website, or a fun little game! When I'm not staring at red lines of text, you can find me messing with Figma, chatting in the Hack Club slack, gaming, snowboarding, making terrible music, editing videos, modifying my NixOS config, reading, and pretending to know what I'm doing. I cause chaos at Hack Club, and I dropped out of week 2 at buildspace nights & weekends s5 lol. (hmu if you made something cool, I'd love to see it) You can reach me at hmu [at] // This email is currently broken, reach me at nenex54 at proton dot me

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